Company Maintenance - Open a New Period
Modified on: Wed, Dec 30 2020 8:39 AMCompany Maintenance - Open a New Period
NOTE:This document is a guide for the Finance Department who will be maintaining the period calendars in Rental Results. Closing periods would happen via the Period Close process, but re-opening periods would occur in Company Maintenance. The flowchart below is a high level view of the process. This material is based on the current Workshop Environment set up.
The following are the steps to follow to view (and re-open) periods in Rental Results.
STEP 1: Log into Rental Results CORE
STEP 2: Choose Concord as the Branch
STEP 3: Click Configuration
STEP 4: Click System Set Up
STEP 5: Click Company Set Up
STEP 6: Click Company Maintenance
STEP 7: Click and Highlight Swinerton Builders
STEP 8: Click Edit Button
STEP 9: Click Period Details tab
STEP 10: Update the Current Period
STEP 11: Click OK