CORE - Sales Order Billings
Modified on: Thu, Feb 24 2022 3:38 PMCORE - Sales Order Billings
Sales Billing:
Sales Billing can only be run once a Sales Order has been fully dispatched and will be integrated to CMiC as a Monthly Billing. Monthly Billings will either run automatically on the scheduler for all yards, on a specified day of the month or run manually at the request of the Financial Manager.
By Contract:
In the case wherein’ the Project needs a Sales Order Billing to be run “real time” for a specific sales order (for example if a sale occurred after monthly billing is run but should be included in the current period billing) you could run it for a specific contract (sales order #) and contact your System Administrator to manually run integration to CMiC so it posts in current period.
Sales Billing Steps (Monthly):
STEP 1: Click Billing / Approvals
STEP 2: Click BillingSTEP 3: Click Sales Billing
STEP 4: Click Create New
STEP 5: Cut-Off Date: Enter the month end Cut-off date (the month you would like it to be billed through)
STEP 6: Bill by: Leave default as All
STEP 7: Transaction: Leave blank for All
STEP 8: Branch: Leave default of your branch
STEP 9: Account: Leave blank for All
STEP 10: Bill Date: Use "CMiC Post Date" for period of this Billing
STEP 11: Selection criteria: Leave blank for All
STEP 12: Contract: Leave default of 0 for All
STEP 13: Click Save to start the billing run
STEP 14: Click Yes
STEP 15: Click Yes
STEP 16: Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close
NOTE: The Sales Billing screen will close and launch Sales billing. Billing records will be calculated and the system will integrate to CMiC on the scheduler or when manually run. Note: If you need a billing integrated to CMiC right away, contact your system administrator.