Job Billing Error: Unable to Enter Billing Accurately (Amount Entered Changes)
Modified on: Wed, May 26 2021 10:45 AMJob Billing Error: Unable to Enter Billing Accurately (Amount Entered Changes)
Follow the workaround resolution below if you are unable to enter a billing accurately (example: if you enter a certain override amount, but the amount changes/reverts to a different amount). Below is an example of the error message in G/C Prepare Bill:
STEP 1: Go to Job Billing/Contract/Enter Contract
STEP 2: Hit F11 on keyboard, fields will turn blue. Enter job number in Job field. Hit F12 to pull up the job.
STEP 3: Click the Defaults Tab
STEP 4: Uncheck the "Do Not Recalculate Current Complete" button (it should be unchecked) and then hit Close.
STEP 5: Hit Save then Exit.
STEP 6: Delete the current draw and try re-entering the billing. It should work now.