Requesting Charge Rates and Trade Codes
Modified on: Fri, Dec 2 2016 2:52 PMRequesting Charge Rates and Trade Codes
1. What do I do when I have a Zero Charge Rate?
Send an e-mail to Jim Bischel cc’ing Duncan Wheat with the following information:
Employee Number
Employee Name
CMiC Trade Code
E1 Union, Job Step, Job Step
You can also attach a copy of the “Payroll Transaction Listing by Home Bus Unit by Employee."
2. What do I do when I have a $999.00 (Regular), $1,498.50 (Overtime) or $1,998.00 (Double Time) Charge Rate?
Send an email to Janel Clemens with the following information:
Employee Name
Job Number
CMiC Trade Code
Instead of the information above you can attach a copy of the “Payroll – Timesheet Edit List by Employee”.
This will provide all the information required.
3. What do I do if I need a New Trade Code?
Send an email to Jim Bischel cc'ing Duncan Wheat with the following information:
Employee Number
Employee Name
E1 Job Step and E1 Job Type
Copy of the employee’s Dispatch Slip if he/she is a new hire.