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Standard Deliverables: Tracking and Managing Conflicts Using Markups and Folder Structure

Modified on: Wed, Sep 16 2015 4:59 PM

Standard Deliverables: Tracking and Managing Conflicts Using Markups and Folder Structure 

This is an effective way to manage Clashes and Issues on your Glue Project. Until Autodesk allows you to manage clashes in the same fashion, we have to use Mark-Ups to manage our clashes and issues.

a. The first step is populating the Mark-Up Tool Pallet to showcase how you want to manage the issues on your project.  Remember, the Mark-up camera angle doesn’t move and drawing tool correspondence doesn’t get deleted.  It’s the model that changes.  So this is an effective way to manage the issue from inception to close out. 

Kaiser Vallejo CUP project came up with a best practice to managing markups. They broke it down by the following

· C/O Folder, which managed the issues regarding this C/O and or other C/O

· Subcontractor Accepted Clashes, which is where the Subcontractor accepts the clash and will be a field change or not really a clash 

· Clashes / By Area and Due date / The Name of the Markup includes, Responsibility / Open or Closed / Brief description

o To describe in more detail, the creator of the clash assigns a responsibility based on the clash at hand, at this time it will remain OPEN.  And then of course put in a brief description of what the clash is.  Then will notify the conflicting subcontractor and the PA

o At this point the PA and conflicting Subcontractor will review this issue.  At any point the PA can override the responsibility.  If the conflicting Subcontractor agrees to make the change, they will/should add correspondence to this Markup to say “I can make this adjustment”.  It isn’t till the PA reviews this markup to officially mark it as “CLOSED”.

In summary, you can use the Clash Detection tool to discover clashes, but be sure to create a Markup of the clash.  At this time it’s the only effective way to manage the clashes/issue on your project.  You can also just freely navigate around the model and create Markups as you see fit.  In the end your project needs an effective way to manage the Markups on your project.

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