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Shared Coordinates Process: Examine Revit Models from Design Team

Modified on: Wed, Sep 16 2015 4:26 PM

Shared Coordinates Process: Examine Revit Models from Design Team 

Steps involved: 

STEP 1: Open<Project and click the project file once and check “Detach from Central."  A set of Revit files from design team should be archived for reference and should be separated from the set which changes would be performed. 

If needed, re-establish sources of referenced files, the linked CAD and Revit files, using “Reload From” under Manage Links (for shortcut, type Alt + G and ML)


  • Check each building in a multi-building project is separated as a Revit project file
  • Check Discipline project files are linked to architectural (host) file

In elevation view, check the elevations used in Revit models; datum point of each model can either reference to the level 1 finish floor of each building or reference to true elevation per civil drawings. 

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