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BIM 360 Glue: Using 360 Glue and Field to Manage Equipment Tracking and Commissioning

Modified on: Mon, Aug 31 2015 4:39 PM

BIM 360 Glue: Using 360 Glue and Field to Manage Equipment Tracking and Commissioning 

Project Engineer (BIM) 

“BIM 360 Glue and BIM 360 Field administrators can share models between Glue and Field to facilitate efficient collaboration among the extended project team.

Before the data can be shared, in BIM 360 Glue, a Glue administrator must set up a BIM model for sharing by creating Equipment Sets for groups of model objects that share properties, such as a pipe or duct type.

After the model is shared with Field, a Field Administrator can then open the model in Field, and associate the Equipment Sets data to Equipment Properties in the Field Project. See Managing Equipment Sets.

After the equipment sets and Field properties are mapped, the team in the field can update the model with installation status and commissioning information. Team members using BIM 360 Glue can view equipment properties that have been added to the model in BIM 360 Field.” From Autodesk

Steps Involved:

STEP 1: Determine what types of equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue (see the available default equipment types in BIM 360 Field).

STEP 2: First, equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue merged model to be integrated with BIM 360 Field. Create equipment sets in BIM 360 Glue using:



When equipment set is created from a property of an object, all objects matching the same property in the merged model of BIM 360 Glue will be placed into the equipment set.

Created equipment sets can be seen here:

STEP 3: Now equipment set has been created in BIM 360 Glue, manual mapping of the particular model with the equipment sets to BIM 360 Field project is required to enable data integration. To map, model must be enabled to share with Field in BIM 360 Glue.

In Glue:On the BIM 360 Glue toolbar, click 


More Actions 

Share with Field.

In the Share with BIM 360 Field dialog, click Yes to overwrite any existing versions of the model, or No to cancel sharing. A message appears when the model has been shared with Field.

After sharing a model with BIM 360 Field, a notification will appear in Latest model activities on the Project Dashboard. This indicates the version of the model that has been shared, and whether it is currently in use by Field. An orange icon indicates that the model is in use by Field, and includes version details. If the model is not in use, the icon is grayed out.

Once the model is shared with Field, the model must be mapped to the desired Field project

On the project page of BIM 360 Field web version, click Setup

Click Equipment and choose the merged model that was Shared with Field in BIM 360 Glue

STEP 4: Manage equipment sets:
After you’ve added a Glue model to your Field project, you can map model object properties. Use the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard to map the equipment sets created in Glue to with corresponding Field properties. Only Field administrators can manage equipment sets.

NOTE: In the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard, click ? (Help) for quick tips to help you get started.

1. On the BIM 360 Field home page, in the upper-right, click Setup.

2. In the navigation panel on the left, click Equipment.

3. Click the Models tab.

4. Hover over a model's thumbnail and click Manage Equipment Mapping.

5. In the Manage Equipment Mapping wizard, the first step is to select the equipment sets to map. You are informed if the model doesn't have equipment sets.

NOTE: Equipment sets need to be created in BIM 360 Glue by a Glue administrator.

6. For Select Sets, select one or more Glue equipment sets to map and click Next. In the wizard, click Help to display tips for each step.

7. (Optional) For Select Type, select an equipment type and click Next.

8. The next step is to select the object identifier (ID). For Select ID and Properties, select Standard to use the default properties. This is recommended for most workflows. Select Advanced to create a custom unique ID and model properties.

9. (Optional) If you selected Advanced, for Select a Unique ID, make your selection and click Next. The next step is to associate Model properties with Field Equipment Properties. Select a model property on the left. Then select Chose Field to select an associated Field equipment property on the right. When done, click Next.

10. For Select Equipment Fields, you can optionally select equipment properties to add to the model. Any equipment properties that you add can be viewed in the model's properties in BIM 360 Glue. Click Select Field and in the drop-down select fields to add. When done, click Save Mapping.

11. In BIM 360 Glue, in the shared model, equipment properties that have been added in Field can be reviewed. Select a model object and right-click > View Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Equipment tab to view the Equipment properties that were added to the model.

Below is Autodesk’s resource on equipment sets using BIM 360 Glue and Field—includes a short video:

Portion of Information in this except extracts directly from Autodesk.

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