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BIM 360 Glue: Producing Shop Drawings from Coordination Process

Modified on: Mon, Aug 31 2015 4:37 PM

BIM 360 Glue: Producing Shop Drawings from Coordination Process

Champion and Pursuit Team 

Steps Involved:

STEP 1: Begin with the same model you used for coordination

STEP 2: Create a layout plot view; Revit is Views by level then produce a Sheet with the Swinerton border.

STEP 3: Ensure your model objects have the correct line weights, colors, etc. for clarity

STEP 4: Always include your grid and any dimensions needed for layout and or ATS points for layout.

STEP 5: Produce a PDF as well as a hard copy to the field crew for layout.          

 Why this step is important:

1. Produce shops drawings from the model ensure we are laying out per the model.

2. 2D shop drawings are typically easier to layout than navigating through a model.


1. Be sure to have the shop drawing legible

2. Include the layout crew on what they would like to see on the shop drawings. Need their input


1. Produce a separate plan, use the model as it is intended to be used. The model updates, so does the shop drawing

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