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BIM 360 Glue: Running a Coordination Meeting

Modified on: Mon, Aug 31 2015 4:36 PM

BIM 360 Glue: Running a Coordination Meeting 

Champion and Pursuit Team 

Steps Involved:

STEP 1: Coordinate a weekly meeting day and time; i.e. Wednesdays at 8:30 am. Ensure all team members can make it. Frequency as needed.

STEP 2: Before the meeting review all “Mark-Ups” from subs and add comments as necessary. Be sure to move the fixed Mark-Ups to close so you are not spending time reviewing non-issues

STEP 3: Scan the model for any new issues that have not been covered by the subs. Create Mark-Up to be reviewed during the meeting. Update Clash tests as necessary.

STEP 4: During the meeting it’s good to get an update from the subs on their progress and provide to the team an update of the project i.e. schedule, RFI’s, ASI’s etc.

STEP 5: Before beginning review of the Mark-Ups, open the table to the subcontractors for any critical issue that they want to discuss.

STEP 6: Review Mark-Ups and add comments, assign responsibility. Follow up later in the week and ensure these have been resolved. Let’s not wait till next coordination meeting to find this hasn’t been resolved. Create new Mark-Ups as needed.

STEP 7: Before final comments, open table of discussion again. It’s important to give subs encouragement to communicate.

STEP 8: Quick review of actions items and due dates; including Swinerton’s action items.

STEP 9: Meeting to a close 

Why this step is important:

1. Being consistent with coordination workflow and allowing the team to come together to discuss issues, etc. will ensure coordination will be complete and ready for fabrication.

2. Coordination meetings is also a good way to ensure everyone is up-to-speed with current documents, issues, RFI’s, ASI’s, schedule, etc.

3.  Swinerton can effectively gauge the schedule and ensure we will make our RTS layout date and material on job date.


1. Follow a consistent workflow, day of the week and time

2. Update the team with schedule and construction

3. Give yourself time before the meeting for review of the BIM


1. Don’t be afraid to take initiative during the coordination meeting. Being a strong lead will get the job done.

2. Don’t cancel meetings; be sure to have someone from the Swinerton team to run. Keep coordination on track.

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