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BIM 360 Field iPad: Photo Documentation

Modified on: Thu, Aug 27 2020 10:36 AM

BIM 360 Field iPad: Photo Documentation


STEP 1: Open the camera function on the home screen within 360 Field

STEP 2: Take photos of the issue or photo documentation

STEP 3: Click on "photos" when finished taking photos

STEP 4: Click "add issue" in the top left hand corner and touch all the photos you'd like to add to an issue and then click "done"

STEP 5: If using 360 Field for progress photos, be sure to close the issue so it does not appear on any reports unless that's the desired result

Why this is important:

This is a quick way to document an area or process that will be retained for the duration of the project.

Instead of starting with the location of an issue, you can snap a photo and then provide the rest of the information as required



Take as many pictures as needed to demonstrate your issue clearly

Make sure you tap on the screen if it’s not in focus to focus on the item you’d like to take a picture of



Don’t forget to close the issue if it’s for documentation purposes

Don’t upload unused photos, just delete them before synching

1 Attachment (Scanned for viruses)

(345.39 KB)
Click here to download BIM_360_Field_iPad_-_Photo_Documentation.pdf Click here to download BIM_360_Field_iPad_-_Photo_Documentation.pdf
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