Sharing a Calendar with another user
You may need to share your calendar with one or more employees. You can also control the level of permissions they have.
1) Go to your Outlook Calendar section.
2) In the ribbon bar up top, click the Share Calendar button.
3) Select the Calendar you wish to share.
4) From the Calendar's properties, click the Add... button.
5) Find the user in the Global Address Book find the user you wish to add. Make sure they appear in the button section next to Add -> then click OK.
6) Now with their name highlighted, set their Permission Level.
The checkboxes will change according to which permission level you choose. Generally speaking Author is a safe level to choose.
Permission Levels:
Owner: Allows full rights to the mailbox's Calendar or Folder, including assigning permissions
Publishing Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items; create subfolders
Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items
Publishing Author: Create and read items; create subfolders; edit and delete items created by the user
Author: Create and read items; edit and delete items they've created
Nonediting Author: Create and read items; delete items created by the user
Reviewer: Read items
Contributor: Create items