BTech Support


BIM 360 Glue Crashing

Modified on: Tue, Feb 16 2021 4:11 PM

BIM 360 Glue Crashing

If you are experiencing crashing or slowness within BIM 360 Glue, please manually uninstall and reinstall the software before creating a ticket. We have found this solves many of these issues. Best of all, this does not require admin rights.

STEP 1: Open a Windows Explorer window and copy and paste %localappdata%\Autodesk\ into the Address Bar and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

STEP 2: Delete all the folders which have Glue in the name.

STEP 3: In the Windows Explorer window, copy and paste this into the address bar %localappdata%\Apps\2.0 and hit the Enter key
STEP 4: Delete all the contents of this folder. Don't worry, everything will be recreated later

STEP 5: Restart your computer.

STEP 6: Reinstall BIM360 Glue by visiting this link:

If you continue to experience problems, please submit a ticket. Please note that you already tried these steps otherwise we may ask you to do the same thing again.

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